Combine the love of food and a desire to grow Te Reo Māori.
Nau mai ki te wharekai o reka.
The first episode of Series 2 is ON whānau! Tuparoa Surf ‘n’Turf with Keelan Poi and Makere Kupenga. Combine goat, creamed paua and fried bread. Reka!
Rangitukia is in the whare and repping haaaaard is Ario and brother Ali. They don’t often cook together but it’s a hardcase watching them try. Ko te wero, to flash up the underrated kahawai! Lessssshhhgoooo!
Purini Raihi 2.0 / Rice pudding
Papa Paddy's Pikaokao
Pūrini Tiakarete
Coasty Kidds Manga Moana
Alex & Brooke's XMas Cake
Alex & Brooke make an XMas cake with ginger bread men on top. Ka rawe!
Rahia & Matai's Brioche & Ambrosia
Mel & Nevak Surf'n'Turf
Pea Pie Pud
Kei Te Tai Hauāuru tātou with our ringawera Gabriel and his neice Te Waiata who show us how to make the OG Pea Pie Pud aka mushy peas on top of a homemade mince pie with chips.
Seafood Salad
Mountain Oysters | Lamb balls
E te whānau, anei a tātau kaupoi ‘Nati’, Ko Troy Para Snr rāua ko Lornch Boyce-Goldsmith, cooking up Mountain Oysters on the camp fire.