A rangatahi factual series following the story of Ka Hao: Tira Waiata, a roopu made up of 24 kaiwaiata from around the East Coast on their musical journey to introduce waiata tira to the world! A series about rangatahi for rangatahi by rangatahi!


Te hanga i tō tātou ake kōpae waiata. Watch our journey of creating our own album. Starting from our performance at the 2020 Aotearoa Music Awards. New episodes released every Thursday!

Ka Hao Season 1 Recap


Te hanga i tō tātou ake kōpae waiata. 🎶 🤌 The journey of creating our own album! It all started at the Aotearoa Music Awards 2020. Mātakitaki mai! 👀😍

Ka Hao Season 2 Episode 1

EPISODES 1 - 2020 AMA Rehearsal

Te hanga i tō tātou ake kōpae waiata. 🎶 🤌 The journey of creating our own album! It all started at the Aotearoa Music Awards 2020. Mātakitaki mai! 👀😍


Anei te wahanga tuarua o te 2020 Aotearoa Music Awards!#Showtime #Karawhiua 🎙🎤🏆

EPISODES 3 - Ka Hao te rangatahi!

🤩 🤩 🤩 Anei te haerenga a te tira ki te hanga kopae 📀 Its tito waiata time 🎶🕓 We were given the opportunity to write songs alongside some awesome composers and producers at Parachute Studios 🎶🎙 in Tamaki. #WhakamutuAtu

EPISODES 4 - Song Reveals

🎶🎧✨✨SONG REVEALS✨✨ 🎧🎶 Kei te wānanga tonu mātou! After our writing wānanga in Tāmaki it’s time to reveal the waiata our three rōpū have been working on. 💕 Tēnei te mihi ki o mātou kaiārahi waiata i āwhina i a mātou.💞🥰 Ko te tūmanako he reka te rangi! Ko koutou ngā kaiwhakawā!

EPISODES 5 - Whiriwhiri Waiata

🙏🏽💥 Kua oti te wāhanga tito waiata, now it’s time to choose what songs are going to be on our album 📀 Ka hoki mātou ki Tūranga-nui-a-Kiwa ki te wānanga i tērā. #Whakawhētai Boom! 🙌🏽🙏🏽💥

EPISODES 6 - Whiriwhiri Waiata

✨🤩 Kei Te Kaha mātou, a Ka Hao, mō tēnei hotaka. While the rōpū rangatira have been working hard, it’s been a long time since the whole tira were together. Ko te whāinga ka ako tātou katoa i nga waiata hōu. Kotahi te tira, kotahi te reo! 🤩

EPISODES 7 - Off to the studio

🔥 Parakitihi, koirā te tino whāinga mo tēnei wānanga! Last chance to tweak our waiata before we hit the studio to record our album! 🔥🎙🎚

EPISODES 8 - Wā Rekoata

Kei te rekoata tātou!🎙️🌟 We’re finally in the studio!🎚️🎛️⏺️ Ko tēnei te rekoatanga o tā tātou waiata 35! Otirā ka tūtaki koutou ki o mātou aunties, ngā tino ringawera o ō mātou wānanga. Wepua!

EPISODES 9 - Behind The Scenes

Tomo mai e te whānau ki ngā rangatahi e ruku hohonu nei ki te puna o hiringa e puta pai ai te wairua o Haramai Roimata 🥺 nā, me hurihia anō te wairua hei rekoata hoki i ngā kiriata e rua 🎥 a ‘Haramai Roimata’, me Closer to you’. 📹 Behind the scenes of the making of our music vids!